Day 50: mile 698.3 to Kennedy Meadows Nearo

6.4.18. 3.9 miles.

This morning was such a relaxing morning! I naturally woke up at 5:30 and went to the bathroom, and then had a leisurely 1.5 hour pack-up. I was amazingly the first one ready! It was so nice sleeping next to the river and in pine trees!

The hike into Kennedy Meadows was super exciting. It was a little more up/down than anticipated, but seeing the meadow and the mountains was just so exciting! The landscape definitely felt more Sierra-like, which I feel like I’ve been saying for a while now, but it was amazing. Super hot though. It was blazing at 8 am, and mostly exposed. We passed mile 700 and did our photo op, and then only had another 2 miles until we reached the road to the general store!

It was super exciting turning onto the road and getting to the Kennedy Meadows sign. And then super exciting again to get to the general store and walk up to an applause from our fellow hikers! It’s a pretty big deal to make it through the 700 miles of desert and make it to the landmark that is Kennedy Meadows! I was ready for breakfast ASAP so I ordered pancakes w sausage patties and hash browns and ate everything even though it was huge. We were hanging out on the porch for a while using the slow WiFi and chatting with hikers we hadn’t seen in a while.

After, I needed to set my tent up and then we got a “shuttle” to Grumpy Bears down the road. My anxiety set in pretty much right when I got there and got all my packages. I had 3 care packages (thanks guys!) and then my regular package from my parents with all my Sierra gear and more food. I was a little too overwhelmed with food and trying to get it to fit in the bear canister, and I still needed to go across the street to Triple Crown Outfitters, Yogi’s (a well-known hiker) new store and buy lunches and breakfasts. I’m back to drinking carnation mixes for breakfast since I don’t have to worry about water anymore! Yay for not being perpetually dehydrated! I said I felt like I was getting the hang of resupply, but I think I failed miserably this time and have way too much food. Or I don’t have enough. Idk. I did get my stove for the Sierra though, so I am pretty excited for some gourmet mountain house meals. Depending on how much I like having the stove, I’ll either keep it or send it back home for Northern California (aka the desert, but with trees).

Again, town was stressful. Once I was done at TCO, I went back to Grumpys, paid for good WiFi while ignoring my overflowing bear can, and was slightly miserable bc there were so many gnats and flies buzzing around inside and landing all over me and it was hot. Just not super pleasant. Suddenly, a “shuttle” arrived to take us back to the general store. You basically have to drop everything to get on these “shuttles” (aka random ppl giving rides in between on no exact schedule). I needed to go back bc I had to do laundry and take a shower while it was still hot & sunny. Once back at the store I felt like I walked back & forth between the porch and my tent a billion times just getting things & charging & putting things away, etc. I also managed to get a burger before the grill closed at 4 pm. I like eating linner in town though. The rest of the evening I just laid around, sitting in the spot with good WiFi. I was able to call Mom & Dad on the WiFi, otherwise there was no service anywhere.

Now I’m trying to sleep but people are being so loud near my tent and it’s almost 10 pm. Go to bed people! Also the guy next to me is snoring pretty loudly. Should have picked up a pair of earplugs since it seems like I’ll need them tonight. Good thing we’re not leaving until afternoon tomorrow.


​Day 51: Kennedy Meadows Nearo to mile 709.5


Day 49: mile 672.8 to mile 698.3