​Day 13: mile 131.5 to mile 145.4 (Muir Woods/ Mary’s Place)

4.28.18. 13.9 miles.

Today was a pretty challenging day. The hiking itself wasn’t terrible, but mentally I wasn’t super into today. The miles seemed to drag on. I think we’ve been talking so much about Paradise Valley Cafe and Idyllwild plans, I just want to be there!

Hiker trash meal: tortilla + tuna packet + mayo + cheddar chex mix (x2)

Nothing too eventful happened today until the end of the day when I got an injury. About 3 miles before our camp place my lower shin started hurting pretty bad. I took it slow to Mary’s Place and tried to find a good way to walk so the pain wouldn’t be there. And shout-out to Kristie for being an awesome friend and hiking behind me & offering to take some weight from my pack even though hers is heavier. I asked one of the doctors when we got there about the pain and he said it’s shin splints. I’ve been putting cold water on it and elevating the leg so hopefully it feels better. We were planning on doing the Spitler Alternate into Idyllwild, but if the pain doesn’t go away, I need to decide by the end of lunch at the cafe tomorrow if I will hitch in to Idyllwild early. Good news though my blister and right arch aren’t hurting so that’s something.

Mary’s Place is amazing! She is such a sweet woman for setting up this little oasis on her land. There’s a little neighborhood library, a pit toilet, a “shower” and camping space! She even brought out ice cold water and lemonade for us, and there’s picnic tables! She’s an angel. She also brought her adorable dog, Scout, out to us before bedtime and we got to cuddle with her! The people who live out here by the trail are truly amazing people. Could you imagine giving part of your home to dirty hikers?

We had a great time socializing after dinner. Everyone here tonight is great and it was fun getting to know new people!

hiker trash talking about hiker stuff: food & bowel movements

I’m really happy because we’re only about 5 miles to paradise tomorrow so we’re not waking up early! Yay!


​Day 14: mile 145.4 to Paradise Valley Cafe to mile 161.9


Day 11: Warner Springs Nearo to mile 115